Our group will collaborate with PI (Yi-Cheng Wang) on a two-year project funded by USDA NIFA
The long-term goal of this project is to develop a revolutionary, yet inexpensive and easy-to-use, decontamination technique, whereby retailers and other stakeholders can readily minimize cross-contamination and improve food safety. This will ultimately benefit the American people by increasing the availability and accessibility of safe and nutritious food. However, additional research must be done if we are to understand and better exploit this emerging technology. The objectives on the way to achieving this goal are as follows:
- Evaluate the efficacy of far-UVC light for inactivating bacteria in buffer and on food-contact surfaces
- Evaluate the efficacy of microplasma-based far-UVC light for decontaminating real foods.
- Evaluate the quality of foods before and after far-UVC light treatment